In January - Dad had just returned from Iraq, home in time to spend Christmas with us. It was a joyous time because we were together.

In February - Colby celebrated her 8th birthday and got baptized. Her baptism reminded me of Bailey's baptism in Kansas and our sweet home teacher, Brother Griffith and all of our friends who participated in her special day.

We also spent a long weekend in Munich at a swim meet for Andee. She did great! Swim Team is a great excuse to travel in Europe.

In March - Tiger turned another year older, but still doesn't feel it.
In April - Devynn turned 4 years old and the tantrums have finally ceased. She goes to the

German kindergarten down the street and can speak German with all the other kids. She loves getting invited to one of their birthday parties...they are always long and fun.

We traveled to France over Spring Break. We visited Paris, EuroDisney, and a W

orld War II site on the coast of Normandy.

In May - The girls are anxious for school to end. Andee,

Bailey and Colby have done well this year academically and with swimming and music lessons. It will be nice to have a break.

In June - As soon as school gets out, we are off to a cabin in Garmisch, Germany for a week. We spend a week biking, hiking, swimming and having a blast together.

In July - We jetted off again for Ireland where we stayed at a lovely Bed and Breakfast

for a week. We did lots of driving and sightseeing to the Dingle Peninsula and Cliffs of Moher. What a beautiful, green country. Would love to visit again. Eayden turned 2 at the end of the month...I am already missing the baby stages!

In August - Bailey attended a week long camp in Heidelberg with other middle schoolers. They visited castles and went to the zoo and had fun hanging out on the hauptstrasse. Andee went on a tall ship adventure in

the Baltic Sea for a week. She made new friends and had a great time. She wants to go again next summer. Andy and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary and we are still in love! Bailey turned 12 and started attending Young Women's...she was so ready.

In September - Andee turned 15 with an attitude! She developed fashion sense and got some style. Some days I long for the return of my tomboy. The family attended a flugtag (fly day) in Walldorf, Germany...this is Andy's true passion. Devynn loved watching the wing-walker...she was amazing!

In October - Halloween was fun. Andee and Bailey helped out with a church activity for the little kids. There was chili and cornbread to eat and lots of games

for the kids. Colby dressed as a witch, Devynn was a bumblebee and Eayden went as a cheerleader (red & white, of course!)

In November - Celebrated Thanksgiving with our German friends, the Scheiwein's. They are like Devynn and Eayden's oma and opa. The Poulton's joined us too...we ate too much and then walked it off at the Famila Center in Heidelberg. They are newcomers and we had to introduce them to the best yogurt, pretzels and chocolates.

In December - Andy was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. Got off to a slow start in our Christmas preparations, but thankfully, Tiger was able to buy a beautiful tree from a truck going door to door. Saved us a trip to the tree farm. We held our 3rd Annual Christmas Open House and enjoyed an evening with good friends.
1 comment:
that was so fun to hear about you guys a little more and to see all of the fun pictures. I can't wait to look at it some more.
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